Stories of Impact Hope

Volunteer Appreciation: Meet Keith!

Keith is an alumni of Little Light House who has Cerebral Palsy. While attending Little Light House, Keith challenged himself to begin using an “eye-gaze” device, a computer that tracks where his eyes look on a screen, allows him to select a letter by focusing on it, and then generates speech for him based on what he has typed. “Little Light House gave me my voice,” Keith says. “It’s allowed me to be me, and my family couldn’t be more thankful for what the teachers, therapists, and my whole team gave me.”

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Meet Rylee

Rylee Smith flourished at the Little Light House despite being born prematurely with a rare genetic condition. The nurturing environment and tailored resources led to remarkable progress.

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Jamison’s Journey

Jamison’s special needs emerged months after birth, leading to a four-year quest for answers, involving specialists, testing, and relocation to Tulsa for better resources.

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Meet Ethan

At two months, Ethan was diagnosed with Complete Agenesis of the Corpus Callosum, but thrived with proactive therapy and the support of Little Light House, showcasing profound impact.

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Alyssa’s Journey

Betty’s pregnancy with Alyssa, her “mustard seed,” brought medical concerns, but she embraced hope. Alyssa, diagnosed with Russell-Silver syndrome, found support at Little Light House.

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